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Doctor Wine by Daniele Cernilli The essential guide to Italian Wine 2019 the diary of Patricia Guy – July 2019

Doctor Wine by Daniele Cernilli

The essential guide to Italian Wine 2019
the diary of Patricia Guy –  July 2019

July 10 Chatting with Lorenzo

Lorenzo Simeone dropped by to talk about his ideas for a tasting he wants to organize for the Academia di Agricoltura, Scienze e Lettere di Verona. This inevitably led to a discussion of the Valpolicella zone and its wines, local TV wine pundits and Michael Portillo (as an example of a good TV presenter). We may disagree about many things but the three of us all love Mr. Portillo’s train travel shows.  Time passed and we were heading toward lunch so, I invited Lorenzo to stay.  We cracked open a bottle of Albino Piona’s superb 2018 Bardolino, which went down a treat. After Lorenzo left, Michael said: “I think we made bella figura (a good impression) with that wine.” Indeed, we did.





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